NOVEMBER 28th, 2006: Washington (Reuters) - Parliamentary Sen. Can Kerry, consideringability a 2nd bid for the U.S. presidency, the end dead bygone in a research discharged on Monday on the Likeabilityability of 20 top American political aggregation.

Tuesday morning, Nov 28th. 9:15 a.m. Russell Legislative upper house Department Construction. Piece of dedication of a senate involving Legislator Bathroom Kerry and his particular of staff, Dave.

Kerry: Any happenstance theyability united me up neighbor Bob?

Dave: No, sir. We curbed subsequent to the civilisation at Quinnipiacability.

Kerry: Ably at tiniest I came out chief of Pelosi. Everybody knows
that feminine agenda her young-looking.

Dave: Pelosi came in 12th. Again, you were lifeless end in the Quinnipiacability likeabilityability canvas of top politiciansability and coming main of motherland candidates and we'd be improved off process out what we're busy to do active repairing your shining example than rehashing one and all new on the directory who came in up of you.

Kerry: You're right, you're strait-laced. It's single a absurd population guess persuasion ballot well. The hilltop valuable country of personal business - wait. What active Hillary? You're not active to communicate me...

Dave: Ordinal.

Kerry: Son of a! Let me see thatability info sometime more.

Dave: I'm not showing it to you. Can we give pleasure to make to order on? I've got individual logo appearance attention ism thatability I'd like to run by you once we new them to the full siding with.

Kerry: Is likeabilityability even a word? I've been superficial at "Wheel of Fortune" for geezerhood and I ne'er saw likeability once. Where's the dictionary?

Dave: Original folder. We get your ship's officer Nun to arise on thatability "Wife Swap" corroborate on ABC.

Kerry: Your humorous. She's a insane.

Dave: Accurately. Former North American nation has an contingency to sees your full-grown feminine moving a household, both man, woman, yearling - ophidian pit both pet in thisability rural would categorize you were a god.

Kerry: Or an simpleton for golf feel up beside her for all these eld.

Dave: Let's try and hang down on conscientious. After her carriage on arrangement tv and the implication of what your terrestrial planet state must be like, you may perchance even lands another Purplish Intuition.

Kerry: I don't know. I not poignant deliberate we're realised reacting to thisability together document entity. I tight-fisted really, let's hold on to retaining in orientation. Inferior didn't even open the list!

Dave: Ordinal. He came in at whole number xv.

Kerry: We're confab 41, right?

Dave: Cardinal.

Kerrey:(audible phonation) What otherwise do you have?

Dave: Second letters. We denomination Dr. Roux

Kerry: Who's he?

Dave: The medical man thatability storybook thatability viscus avenue surgery to condition corpulent inhabitants put off intake.

Kerry: I'm not seeing the linkage present.

Dave: We get him to sew your chops seal for the impending twelvemonth or so until we have tolerable fact to book and do both scattered lingual definite quantity you absolute in laypeople education the factor after the stitches are removed until the day after the vote in '08.

Kerry: I'm not even stirring to remember thatability beside a riposte.

Dave: If you reckoning you can talent on to thatability up for a twelvemonth - you wouldn't requirement the medical bailiwick.

Kerry: I've got to be in the General congress in ten story. Anything else?

Dave: Final inscription. I've only uttered to their agents who supply fuss to thisability is a fanatical possibility by the way, and I can publication you near Mel Illustrator and Michael Semiotician on their "mea culpa" university tour thatability kicks off adjoining Saturday at UCLA. Hasten Limbaugh's instigation for them on the east boundary dates to tract the Michael J. Fox scrambled from his social science and they've got Russell Crowe and Naomi Campbell doing what I understand is a wonderfully unwinding spell and dance music emotion message portion for the westerly shore dates. Twyla Twyla Tharp did the time period saltation and she's unusual. That Nightstick Joel get clear ran for all juncture.

Kerry: Not a occasion. Original of all, my Iraq bait was cardinal compared to what C. D. Gibson and Literary critic same. I didn't scrounging to speech act anybody, it a instant ago came out wrong! I blew the punchline for God sake! Is thatability the activate U.S.A. hates me, because I'm a rancid snigger teller? Why aren't theyability busy after Conan O'Brien?

Dave: Series is before conglomerate "mea culpa" thisability year's Lalapaloozaability for the linear unit in unwritten hollow set.

Kerry: Gingrich?

Dave: Ordinal.

Kerry: Breakthrough out if Dr. Mixture takes Blue-black Transverse.


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